Why subscribe? It’s free.

Your money is no good here in the Asphodel meadow. You have arrived in our deep green valley for a brief respite from the cycle of reincarnations.

Relax, empty out your pockets, enjoy yourself. Everything here has already passed, and the only thing left to be killed is time. We’re reading books, we’re watching movies, and we’re crunching numbers.

Don’t try too hard to understand. Reality here runs downstream of the imagination, and we staycationers traffic in more wayward currency. Remember, the oral tradition wasn’t so much concerned with historical exactitude as preserving the intangible aspects of the culture.

Only art survives :)

Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, feelings, bewilderment, joy, and rage—with me, with our lil’ slice of the underground, with the world above. All are welcome. None are not. To paraphrase Schopenhauer: It’s all a single dream. Just where all the dream characters dream, too.

Pull up a chair to the hearth. I love you all.


Subscribe to I Burn Greenhouses

"To be the pulse of a bonfire in this thicket of endless stone, walking through the nights of our life..."


in search of a café with comfortable chairs